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contoh kalimat hujan turun

"hujan turun" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • "This rain is not so straight, it has a twist."
    Hujan turun tak lurus bagai berpilin.
  • The rain drums lightly... on a crimson pane.
    Hujan turun dengan deras... mengaliri jendela merah tua.
  • You wouldn't say that if it was raining.
    Anda tidak akan mengatakan bahwa jika hujan turun.
  • Let's just say somewhere less rainy than Seattle.
    Suatu tempat kurang hujan turun di Seattle.
  • It was raining and the bridge was slippery.
    Waktu itu hujan turun Dan jembatannya licin.
  • The rain descending should not make you blue
    Hujan turun tidak seharusnya membuat Anda biru
  • As it does all of capua, since the rains!
    Seluruh Capua, sejak hujan turun lagi!
  • Had a heart attack at the reins.
    Aku seperti mengalami serangan jantung pada kendaliku saat hujan turun.
  • The terrain slopes to the north and east.
    Sebagian besar hujan turun di kawasan utara dan timur.
  • For his blessings are raining down upon me.
    Atas berkatnya hujan turun diatas kepalaku.
  • And if it gets rained out, guess what.
    Dan jika hujan turun, coba tebak.
  • I wish it would just pour rain and cool things off.
    Aku harap hujan turun dan mendinginkan semuanya.
  • It just rained down ash after ash after ash.
    Itu hanya hujan turun abu setelah setelah abu abu.
  • As the rain came down, the water levels began to rise.
    saat hujan turun level air akan naik.
  • "Rain today for nearly an hour.
    "Hari ini hujan turun hampir selama satu jam."
  • Does it rain when you feel down?
    Apa hujan turun saat kamu merasa muram?
  • The wind blew, the rain fell and the temperature dropped.
    Angin bertiup, hujan turun, dan suhu udara menurun.
  • In the winter of 2004, it rained in Death Valley.
    Di musim dingin tahun 2004, hujan turun di sana.
  • Some people like it when it rains.
    Beberapa orang senang saat hujan turun.
  • Rain down... On all nations below.
    Hujan turun... membasahi seluruh negeri di bawah.
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